
01588 640144

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Next Day Dispatch: From £4.25

Product Code: AUTOCUSH01

For those with mobility issues getting in and out of a car is often a significant problem which this product solves.

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For those with mobility issues getting in and out of a car is often a significant problem which this product solves.

For those with mobility issues getting in and out of a car is often a significant problem which this product solves.

Many consider the freedom hitting the road brings to them is key to their independence but sadly many are held back from this freedom simply because transferring into, or out of, their car is too hard. Often, the hardest part is the rotating motion required to turn into the vehicle and vice versa. Moving back into the seat is also a common struggle for people who struggle with mobility.

Our Auto Cushion is a revolutionary concept in car seat mobility aids so you can now be supported when turning onto your car seat, or re-positioning yourself comfortably, and also back out of the car again. It is an aid for all areas where entering or existing a car is vitally important, without compromising your safety.

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01588 640144

Delivery Information

Next Day Dispatch: £4.25

VAT Relief

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