Over the last 18 months we’ve seen a huge increase in demand for Hospital Direct products from around the world. Thankfully a recent investment in additional heavier-duty manufacturing technology has allowed us to embrace this, and now actively encourage it.
Our R&D team have also been working hard to expand the HD product range. We are confident that in every area where patient handling is required, we’ve got it covered.
Our aim – to establish ourselves as the leading provider of patient handling solutions – internationally!
With the largest collection of products, and a valued reputation for high standards, we feel confident about being at the top in the UK healthcare market. If you are already one of our distributors, thank you for working with us. We do appreciate it and trust you are reaping the rewards. If you aren’t a trade partner yet, are you ready to join our distributor list and help us take on the rest of the world?
What are the benefits of being a Hospital Direct distributor?
Aside from knowing that you are supplying the highest quality, effective and desirable products to your customers, you mean?
- The main benefit is financial. Substantial discounts are available based on volumes ordered and the quality of our products means that your demand should be high.
- Depending on quantities, we can also supply branded material suited to your organisation.
- Full access to an impressive library of photos and videos for training and marketing.
- We have a simple ordering process either online or via purchase orders, including a re-quote system.
- We offer DAP (Delivered-at-place) and FCA (Free Carrier) solutions to any destination in the world.
- Providing there is no trade agreement already in place for your region, sign-up is simple. But better be quick…
- We are very friendly, and here to help!
If you would like to explore being a B2B, Trade, and Export customer, or build your existing product range with Hospital Direct, please click here and let us know.