
01588 640144

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Next Day Dispatch: From £4.25

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The Emergency Lifting Sheet offers the ultimate falls management solution for transporting an injured person from the site of a car accident or other emergency.

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Reviews about Hospital Direct

"Fit for purpose. We require an emergency lifting sheet to get the patient / person from the floor to a bed or trolley. We can use the Hover-Jack however if the patient is in a place where there is no power the Hover-Jack does not work. Frequently we have collapses in public areas but if there is a power outage this could affect all clinical areas."

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The Emergency Lifting Sheet offers the ultimate falls management solution for transporting an injured person from the site of a car accident or other emergency.

EMERGENCY LIFTING / Collapsed patient Management

No stretcher hoist?

No way to lift a person safely?

Look after your staff and patients by ensuring our inexpensive lifting sheet is available in all of your wards or departments – just in case.

Known to save lives, it offers an excellent and lightweight solution for fall management. Developed to meet the “Guidelines for Safer Handling During Resuscitation in Healthcare Settings”, it also has the benefit of being suitable for post-resuscitation transfers.

Designed for lifting patients from a horizontal position on the floor up on to a bed or trolley, it should only be used in the absence of a mechanical device. Equally only use where your patient has no sign of any cervical or spinal injury.

Our Emergency Lifting sheet is safe, effective, and easy to use, and as a result, essential for protecting both your patient and staff from serious injury during a lifting procedure.

Strong, robust, fully waterproof and fire-retardant, this falls management sheet offers maximum security.

Our Emergency Lifting Sheet is suitable for patients weighing up to 150kg (23.6 stone).  A minimum of four people can lift lighter patients. However the sheet has space for up to eight if your patient is towards the higher end of the safe working load.

It is easy to clean, therefore able to be used over and over. It is also easy to fold away and subsequently can be kept close to the Resus trolley. The Emergency Lifting Sheet is a worthwhile investment for any healthcare environment, offering reassurance in the event of someone falling or collapsing at any time.

Laundry. Wash Emergency Lifting Sheet at 74°C for three minutes to ensure optimal hygiene. Tumble dry on a low temperature.

Three sizes: The Emergency Lifting Sheet is available in three sizes to facilitate most patients : Paediatric, Standard and Large.

The sheet is also available as part of our Emergency Manual Handling Pack here

Get in touch If you need advice about the Emergency Lifting Sheet or any of our other accident and emergency equipment. We would be delighted to help.

Features and Benefits

  • Lightweight solution when no stretcher hoist is available
  • Robust design supports patients weighing up to 150kg
  • Washable at 74°C
  • Waterproof
  • Fire-retardent
  • Choice of three sizes
  • Can remain under patient


  • All areas of healthcare
  • Emergency services
  • Social services
  • Nursing/care homes

Download Instruction Leaflet

Weight 85 kg
Dimensions 39 × 38 × 5 cm

80cm x 160cm, 80cm x 195cm, 100cm x 195cm

Units Per Pack



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01588 640144

Delivery Information

Next Day Dispatch: £4.25

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