
01588 640144

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Next Day Dispatch: From £4.25

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These Satin ‘SIBA®Sheets’ for In-Bed Management are the worlds only 2-way base sheet that allows for squab extentions; so individuals on longer mattresses can recieve the comfort and care they need. 

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These Satin ‘SIBA®Sheets’ for In-Bed Management are the worlds only 2-way base sheet that allows for squab extentions; so individuals on longer mattresses can recieve the comfort and care they need. 

In-Bed System / Patient Management / Satin ‘SIBA®‘ Sheets

These Satin ‘SIBA® Sheets’ for In-Bed Management are the worlds only 2-way base sheet that allows for squab extentions; so individuals on longer mattresses can recieve the comfort and care they need. 

Hospital Direct aims to ensure that everyone recieves the care that they need. These Satin ‘SIBA®‘ Sheets (Satin In-Bed Assistance) is uniquely extended to cater for individuals who require a bed extention mattress infill squab for their bed. The extra 20cm means that the user will have greater assurance that their entire body will have the full coverage Satin system beneath them.

The 2-way system works exactly the same way as all other base sheets but is caters for those individuals who are taller than the standard 200cm mattress. Sometimes, such individuals are provided a longer mattress through use of a ‘swab’/extension, and this device adds an extra 20cm to the length of the mattress. These Satin ‘SIBA®‘ Sheets fully encoumpasses both the main matress and the squab, and therefore is securely in place to provide easy turning for the individual laying on the bed. The 2-way system also prevents the user from sliding down, thanks to the unique and exclusive satin weave.

The result of this means:

  • The client can easily get into bed
  • Easy repositioning from side to side
  • The bed can be profiled whilst preventing the user from slipping down (please see video)
  • Cotton edging acts like a ‘break’ to ensure users security
  • Easier carer assitance

Bespoke options available. Please call our UK based team on 01588 640 144.

Features and Benefits

  • Can remain under the patient
  • Great for those who have difficulty turning in bed
  • Comfortable and easy to use
  • Allows easy turning without the risk of tissue or nerve damage
  • Users cannot slide forward, whether lying flat or in a sitting position
  • Cotton edges prevent slippage
  • Easy to fit and adjust
  • Washable to 90°C
  • Suitable for low-temperature tumble dry
  • Available in a variety of sizes to fit all bed mattresses from single to super-king
  • Choice of central or offset satin panels to suit user preference
  • Choice of full- or midi-length satin panels
  • Drawstring mechanism on each long edge for fine adjustment to each mattress
  • Vents in each bottom corner to attach air hoses to dynamic mattresses
  • A label indicates which way up the product needs to be placed on the bed
  • A central marker label helps you to position the sheets effectively
  • Satin weave designed and woven by Hospital Direct for easy movement and locking

Used by

  • Independent users or single carers depending on the user’s independence level


  • Community hospitals
  • Community nursing
  • Hospices
  • Home care
  • Nursing homes/care homes



Dimensions N/A


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01588 640144

Delivery Information

Next Day Dispatch: £4.25

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