
01588 640144

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Hospital Direct’s SIBA® Satin Sheet System for bed use makes turning in bed easier for patients.

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Reviews about Hospital Direct

"The flexibility it can offer individuals to remain comfortable and independently adjust posture."
"Hospital Direct's single base sheets and 3/4 top sheets were added to the our counties equipment catalogue recently. As well as being cost effective, they are soft and durable. The customer service received from Hospital Direct is excellent. The representatives are available to provide quotes for special orders and for assessments."
"Currently, these in-situ slide sheets deliver the best value to community equipment services."
"The top sheet is well made, works well in practice, with a good level of manoeuvrability when used with the 2 way base sheet. As a result, it has become the preferred product with a number of community equipment services."
"The base sheet has proved to be effective in helping individuals maintain independence, where possible, and also works very well with a top sheet when greater levels of support are required for manual handling. This has been supported by feedback we have received from clinicians and contracts that use this product."
"I have used 3 different in-situ systems and these definitely compete with the easiest to use and most comfortable"
"The in-situ system decreases the amount of handling for the carer and client. The handles for turning are excellent"

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Hospital Direct’s SIBA® Satin Sheet System for bed use makes turning in bed easier for patients.

Satin Sheet System / Turning in Bed

Hospital Direct’s SIBA® Satin Sheet System for bed use makes turning in bed easier for patients.

For those who need a little help turning in bed, this SIBA™ (Satin In-Bed Assistance) system is a perfect solution. Patients can turn from side to side without slipping, both at night and when sitting up.

You can fit the satin sheet across the mattress, using the stripes to lay it in the correct position. A patient can then lie on the top sheet in the direction of the stripes. The sheet becomes a comfortable layer for the patient to remain on without having to lie directly on top of the satin base panel, which can become too warm and slippy. This way, users can turn from side to side either independently or with support from a carer. The sheet also reduces the risk of pressure sores, tissue damage and nerve damage.

The sheet spans from shoulders to hips on most patients and helps the user turn easily without sliding down the bed. However, the satin sheet isn’t suitable for patients who require a lot of in bed repositioning care as it doesn’t allow up/down movements. These patients require a 4-Way Top Draw Sheet.

You can use the top draw satin sheet in combination with any of our SIBA satin base sheets. This product will slide from side to side on top of the base sheet’s satin panel, providing the slide carers need to reposition patients.

We stock the satin sheet in two sizes, which are wide enough to tuck under single mattresses. Bespoke sizes are also available for wider beds.

If you need more advice on the SIBA® Satin Sheet System, please get in touch with our Technical Team. We will be delighted to help.

You can also download our guide to SIBA sheets.

Features and Benefits

  • Stripes show which way to position across the bed
  • Available in two sizes – non-standard sizes by request
  • Covers shoulders to hips
  • Wide enough to tuck under a single bed mattress
  • Easycare polycotton
  • Washable at 90°C to reduce the risk of infection and uphold cleanliness
  • Tumble dry on a low heat and iron flat for best results
  • Hospital Direct’s online patient handling training available
  • User can remain on the sheet at all times if necessary
  • Use on top of a satin base sheet to allow turning from side to side
  • Special weave prevents patients from sliding down the bed, ideal for those who need to turn regularly throughout the night but don’t require other specialist positioning support
  • Suitable for all types of mattresses, provided a risk assessment is carried out for suitability
  • Pressure mapped for tissue viability peace of mind
  • Manufactured in the UK

Used by

  • Single carers who help patients turn in bed
  • Independent users

FIM Independence Level

  • 6–1


  • Hospitals
  • Community nursing
  • Hospices
  • Home care
  • Nursing homes/care homes

Dimensions N/A


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01588 640144

Delivery Information

Next Day Dispatch: £4.25

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