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The Transatlantic Silverboard Folding Rollboard makes it easy for health professionals to transfer a patient between two lying surfaces.

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The Transatlantic Silverboard Folding Rollboard makes it easy for health professionals to transfer a patient between two lying surfaces.

Lateral Transfer Board / Rollboard

The Transatlantic Silverboard Folding Rollboard makes it easy for health professionals to transfer a patient between two lying surfaces.

This Transatlantic Folding Rollboard makes patient transfers between two surfaces easier than ever before. The lying transfer board works in a similar way to a tank track: health professionals can gently push a patient across a gap between two surfaces to slide them onto a bed or trolley. The hospital transfer board is suitable for the heavier patient and works well with standard and pressure care mattresses of all kinds.

The integral nylon cloth coating enables carers to gently and easily transfer a patient between two surfaces while maintaining patient comfort. The nylon cloth has been designed to ensure durability, tear-resistance, anti-bacterial and has anti-fungal protection and flame-resistance.

These lateral transfer boards have a solid core that support an impressive 350kg safe working load (SWL) (40kg higher than other versions on the market). Hard-wearing, patient transfer board is suitable for excessive use and bridges most gaps up to 20cm. With a safe working load (SWL) of SWL*: 350 kg / 771.5 lbs,  meaning that you will feel safe when in the process of transferring larger patients.

Hospital Direct also stocks disposable covers and a dispenser dubbed the ‘Organiser’ for the bariatric lateral board to promote hygiene and patient safety.

If you need advice about the Transatlantic Silverboard Folding Rollboard, please get in touch with our Technical Team. We will be delighted to help.

Features and Benefits

  • Three-year warranty for added protection
  • Standard: 50cm (W) x 180cm (L) | Weight: 3.2kg
  • Bariatric: 60cm (W) x 150cm (L) | Weight: 3kg
  • Radiolucent
  • Antibacterial coating (of the Silver Cover)
  • Max Safe Working Load (SWL): 350 kg
  • Ideal for larger and obese patients
  • No trailing edges (highest hygienic safety)
  • No corners, ridges, gaps or hinges – all one piece
  • No screws, magnetic pieces or plastic parts
  • Can be cleaned with all common disinfectants


All areas of healthcare requiring lateral transfers, particularly:

  • Emergency services
  • Mortuary
  • MAUs
  • SAUs
  • Radiology and imaging
  • Operating theatres
  • Recovery
Dimensions N/A

Standard: 50cm (W) x 180cm (L), Bariatric: 60cm (W) x 150cm (L) – folding, Bariatric: 60cm (W) x 150cm (L) – non-folding


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01588 640144

Delivery Information

Next Day Dispatch: £4.25

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