In-house Product Training for ERG’s / AGM’s & Group Training
Nationally recognised as experts in our field, covering all areas of the British Isles, Hospital Direct is here to help your organisation in any way you need.
If you require one of our representatives or trainers to visit your establishment, please just ask and send us 3 available dates in the form below.

ERG – Equipment Review Group Meetings
- Face-to-Face Training Options
- ERG’s/Equipment Review Groups
- Invite us to your Equipment Review Groups to demonstrate the products you are interested in stocking on your catalogue contract
Product Range Demonstrations
- If you would like to see our full range, we will happily visit you and your team
- If you require a certain problem to be solved, we will bring product just relevant to provide the solution
Product Range Demonstrations
- If your organisation purchases, or would like to purchase, one or more of our products as Contract Stock, our team will happily visit your establishment to provide training to your whole team.

AGM – Annual Group Meetings
- We will happily visit your establishment to give demonstrations
to your team at your Annual Group Meetings and product reviews
Product Range Demonstrations
- If your organisation purchases, or would like to purchase one or more of our products as Contract Stock, our team will happily visit your establishment to provide training to your whole team.
Book Session
If you would like one of our representatives to visit your team for training, demonstrations, Equipment Review Groups, Annual Group Meetings, or anything
else, please simply fill in the form below and with a selection of dates available and we will be in touch to confirm the visit.