
01588 640144

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Next Day Dispatch: From £4.25

Product Code: N/A

Getting dressed in bed has never been easier –  the Fisherman’s Legs enable dignified dressing for patients who need carer assistance.

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Reviews about Hospital Direct

"An amazing aid that really helps to aid people taking on or taking off clothes"
"Easy to use and meets the needs of dressing in the bed"
"Family carers have a lot of difficulty with dressing their loved one, especially with any neurological disease - this is why the dressing packs are my favourite product"
"Fab product - so many uses for the different parts. Well done!"

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Getting dressed in bed has never been easier –  the Fisherman’s Legs enable dignified dressing for patients who need carer assistance.

Dressing Aids / In-Bed System

Getting dressed in bed has never been easier –  the Fisherman’s Legs enable dignified dressing for patients who need carer assistance.

This Pro Dress Assist Pack is a complete set of in-bed dressing aids that enables one or two carers to dress a patient/client fully in bed. Where dressing is difficult or uncomfortable, the Fisherman’s Legs enable easy dressing and promote patient dignity. Hospital Direct stocks the in-bed dressing pack in five sizes to fit all children and adults.

To use the in-bed dressing aid, unravel the yellow slide sheet underneath your patient/client. Next, slide the two “leg” sleeves over the person’s legs. The slide sheet will enable these leg sleeves to slide on easily. Then you can easily slide the person’s trousers on and remove the leg sleeves by pulling gently from the foot end. You can use the arm sleeve in the same way to slide on shirts, blouses and jumpers etc.

If you need advice about the Fisherman’s Legs Pack or Hospital Direct’s other in-bed systems, please get in touch with our Technical Team. We will be delighted to help.

Features and Benefits

  • 2 x Fisherman’s Legs
  • 2 x Fisherman’s Arms
  • 1 x Flat Sheet
  • 1 x Handy storage bag
  • Easy wipeclean finish to promote excellent infection control
  • Slippery coating enables easy, dignified dressing



Product Code: DP06

Upper arm circumference 58cm

Product length: 52cm

Thigh circumference: 69cm

Product length: 52cm


Product Code: DP05S

Upper arm circumference: 67cm

Product length: 48cm

Thigh circumference: 78cm

Product length: 60cm


Product Code: DP05M

Upper arm circumference: 72cm

Product length: 56cm

Thigh circumference: 90cm

Product length: 72cm


Product Code: DP05L

Upper arm circumference: 77cm

Product length: 58cm

Thigh circumference: 99cm

Product length: 75cm


Product Code: DP05

Upper arm circumference: 81cm

Product length: 52cm

Thigh circumference: 104cm

Product length: 68cm

Other sizes available by request

Used by

Single carers supporting individuals who struggle getting dressed in bed


  • Occupational therapy
  • Mental health
  • Hospitals
  • Community nursing
  • Home care
  • Children’s care

Download Instruction Leaflet

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 37 × 40 × 3 cm

Standard Fit, Childs, Small, Medium, Large

Units Per Pack



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01588 640144

Delivery Information

Next Day Dispatch: £4.25

VAT Relief

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